The People Say ‘Yes’: A Victory for Abortion Rights in Ireland
The Irish Global Health Network (IGHN) co-hosted this year’s Global Health Exchange Conference with the HSE, Irish Aid, Oxfam Ireland and Dublin City University. The conference was held under the theme: Reaching the furthest behind first: addressing gender and other inequalities to meet the SDGs.
Scroll down the page to see individual videos and presentations of participants.
Welcome and Opening Remarks

Brief Introductions

Morning Plenary
Keynote Speakers

Addressing the health consequences of
Female Genital Mutilation in Somalia

Dr Ailbhe Smyth and Ms Ifrah Ahmed
Afternoon Plenary
John Kevany Memorial Lecture

Health Equity and Rights – Local and Global
Plenary: Key Issues for Global Health

Implementation of BPHS/PHC
Afghanistan’s experience

Tackling the global challenges on Human Resources for Health from a student and early career perspective:
The GHWN Youth Hub, a platform to speak your voice

The International Council of Nurses

Dr Mohammed Norwoz Haqmal, Ms Sherly Meilianti and Ms Annette Kennedy
Morning Parallel Sessions: A, B, C & D
Stream A: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (1)

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Meeting the Challenge of Universal Healthcare Beyond ICPD25

NWCI – Women’s Health Strategy – Gender Equality

Rights and Rites: The potential of alternative rites of passage in contributing to FGM abandonment in Tanzania

Exploring Adolescents’ Perspectives on Adolescent Pregnancy and Contraceptive Use in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Teens, families, communities and clinics: A socioecological approach to reducing teenage pregnancy in rural Sierra Leone

Inequalities in accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare services – an impediment to achieving SDG 3 & 10
Stream B: Leadership in Global Health

Growing the Global Health Impact of Irish Academic Institutions – The RCSI Global Surgery Experience

Health Security and Health Diplomacy – Leadership imperatives 2020-2030

Promoting Health in the Youth Sector

Global Health Diplomacy in Practice

Is survival enough? Strengthening Rehabilitation towards the 2030 Agenda

Stream C: Nutrition and Health

Sociocultural influences on the health and nutrition of women and children: The key role of grandmothers

Exploring the factors that contribute to high levels of stunting in children under five years, in a highly productive agricultural region

Family MUAC (formerly MUAC by Mother)

Address Inequality among the urban extreme poor – experience from EU funded Urban Health & Nutrition project implemented by Concern Worldwide with BRAC in Bangladesh

Municipality led digital Health Voucher increasing health access for the urban extreme poor in Bangladesh

Banking on Milk: Maternal generosity and the global expansion of human milk exchange
Stream D: Inequalities, Inclusion and Global Health (1)

A twinned audit of severe preeclampsia in Mayo and Londiani- Same condition, same treatment, different outcomes

MAMaZ against Malaria, Zambia – A community driven approach

Learning for Lives Ghana

In the quest for sustainability: who might we be marginalising?

Statelessness in Africa; Health Rights, Feminism and thorny funding issues

Lessons from the Humanitarian Disability Audit in the Northeast of Nigeria
Stream A2: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (2)

Trauma Informed Maternity Care following Childhood Sexual Abuse

Girls for Girls Programme in rural Kenya – Brighter Communities Worldwide

Gestational Diabetes and Maternal Mortality in Liberia

A Study of the Irish Provision of Objective Sex Education Bill 2018 using the Walt-Gilson Policy Analysis Framework

Community conversations for gender role transformation

Sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights in Northern Ireland
Stream D2: Inequalities, Inclusion & Global Health (2)

Disability and Healthcare: Intersectional Access or Invisible Problem?

A qualitative study of Irish Travellers’ perceived mental health needs

Gender equity in surgery

Chad: Access to and provision of quality health care

Access to Medicines – A global right

Reducing inequalities in surgical care: The mobile phone clinic saving lives in Malawi
Stream E: Environment and Health Inequities

Stakeholder and community perspectives on scaling up cleaner fuels in South West Cameroon

Climate Changes Health – the inequalities we pay for

Clean Cooking Conference

Planetary Health and Women; Sexual and Reproductive Health

Planetary Health: The opportunities and barriers for decarbonization of the healthcare system in Ireland

The development of a new community-led approach to improved stove adoption
Stream F: Conflict, Crisis & Rehabilitation

Conflict interrupts Health service delivery in West Darfur, Sudan – Concern with partners overcoming challenges

Bridging the Health Inequality gap in a Protracted Conflict Situation in South Sudan, Aweil North and West Counties by Concern Worldwide

A profile of patients attending rehabilitation services of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) over 40 years, (1979-2018)

Communities finding their own solutions Northern Uganda
Chairs and Co-chairs

Co-chair for Keynote speakers

Co-chair for Keynote speakers

Chair for Plenary: Key Issues for Global Health

Chair for Stream A: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (1)

Chair for Stream B: Leadership in Global Health

Co-chair for Stream C: Nutrition and Health

Co-chair for Stream C: Nutrition and Health

Chair for Stream D: Inequalities, Inclusion and Global Health (1)

Co-chair for Stream A2: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (2)

Co-chair for Stream A2: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (2)

Co-chair for Stream D2: Inequalities, Inclusion & Global Health (2)

Co-chair for Stream D2: Inequalities, Inclusion & Global Health (2)

Co-chair for Stream E: Environment and Health Inequities

Co-chair for Stream E: Environment and Health Inequities

Co-chair for Stream F: Conflict, Crisis and Rehabilitation

Co-chair for Stream F: Conflict, Crisis and Rehabilitation
GHE Coordinator 2019