We thank the Friends of the Irish Global Health Network, who work with us to co-host events, workshops, online campaigns, advocacy initiatives and webinars. Our partners are also invited to speak at the conferences, panels and workshops we organise. If your organisation is interested in hearing more about the benefits of becoming a Friend of the Network, please contact [email protected] for more details.
Friends of the IGHN

Access to Medicines Ireland
Access to Medicines Ireland (AMI) is campaigning for a system of medical research and development which delivers the medicines we need at a fair price. Central to the current model is the market monopoly granted to the patent holder of a new drug. This permits the patent holder to charge whatever price the market will bear, which, for life saving drugs can be a very high price indeed. Furthermore, this model fails to deliver medicines with limited commercial potential such as antibiotics, or medicines for diseases such as TB which occur predominantly in developing countries. AMI proposes actionable, evidence-based solutions to these problems – based on recommendations from bodies such as the UN High Level Panel on Access to Medicines, the WHO and MSF. Learn more here.

Centre for Global Health
The Centre for Global Health uses social health science to strengthen health systems. Their mission is to engage with partners across all sectors to promote health, well-being, opportunity and social justice.
CGH works across more than 40 countries with third-level, civil society, government, private sector and United Nations partners. They impact policy and practice, produce excellent scholarship, and provide an engaging and empowering learning environment for students and staff alike. Learn more here.

Concern Worldwide
Concern’s vision, our mission and work are all defined by one goal – ending extreme poverty, whatever it takes. They focus on reaching communities in remote areas and fragile states. These are often in locations prone to conflict, natural disasters, climate change, flooding and extreme hunger. Concern Worldwide takes a community approach to building resilience capacity, to ensure that affected people are empowered and equipped to transform their own lives in sustainable ways. Learn more here.

Irish Aid
Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s official international development aid programme. Irish Aid is managed by the Development Co-Operation and Africa Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Learn more here.

Irish Doctors for the Environment
Irish Doctors for Environment is a branch of doctors in Ireland who aim to create awareness, interest and implement action around environment health and the impact it has on our patients’ health.
They work alongside various NGOs, environmentalists, the government, scientists and other organisations both nationally and internationally to ensure full co-operation and education regarding the global issues of climate change which affect local, national and international health. Learn more here.

GOAL delivers a wide range of humanitarian and development programmes. Their emergency response focuses on saving lives and alleviating human suffering, prioritising needs such as food, water, shelter and other non-food items. Such responses often transition to longer-termed programming, where the focus shifts to health, food and nutrition security, and building sustainable livelihoods.
GOAL works in fragile contexts, improving access to responsive and resilient health systems that can provide quality, accessible and efficient health, nutrition and WASH services to communities. Any intervention involves supporting the resilience of public and community systems that respond to the needs of communities they serve. Learn more here.

Misean Cara
Misean Cara is an international and Irish faith-based missionary movement working with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities in developing countries. They are working to realise their human rights through delivery of basic services in the areas of education, health, livelihoods and income generation, as well as advocacy, networking and community mobilisation. Misean Cara’s movement is made up of 91 member organisations working in over 50 countries. Learn more here.

Oxfam Ireland
Oxfam Ireland works with people affected by poverty and injustice, supporting their empowerment to exercise their human rights and take control of their lives. From volunteers in Dublin and shops in Down to the programme team in Dar Es Salaam and partners all over the world, Oxfam works together to achieve our vision of a just world without poverty.
Oxfam Ireland respond to humanitarian emergencies around the world – wherever they happen. Oxfam helps people to help themselves and build a brighter future through long-term projects. They campaign nationally and internationally on issues ranging from the arms trade to women’s rights. Learn more here.

Stand.ie is an initiative of Suas Educational Development with support from Irish Aid. Stand.ie was set up in 2014 in response to the desire among students and young people in Ireland to learn more about justice and equality issues and take action. Their participants come from a range of backgrounds but all have one thing in common: the desire to bring about positive change in the world. Learn more about their work here.

Women in Global Health Ireland
Women in Global Health Ireland is a group of individuals who represent academia, private sector and non-governmental organisations coming together to support gender equality in global health leadership. Learn more here.
Building on a decade of experience in surgical training, education and research partnerships in Africa, the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Institute of Global Surgery works with local partners to develop sustainable health systems in low and middle-income countries.
The RCSI Institute of Global Surgery is implementing a programme of work to achieve its strategic objectives across three pillars – Education and Training, Research and Advocacy. These pillars reflect RCSI’s strengths and will enable the Institute of Global Surgery to build on the relationships and achievements of 10 years of international collaboration in addressing the unmet surgical needs facing populations in low and middle-income countries across the world. Learn more here.

Maynooth University
Maynooth University is an internationally recognised institution located 25 kilometres outside of Dublin, Ireland, and is the nation’s fastest growing university.
One of four constituent universities of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth University in 2021 placed #88 in the global top 100 universities under 50 years old in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Learn more here.

The Ireland Africa Alliance for Non Communicable Disease
A group of professionals with a special interest in supporting best practice for Non Communicable Disease in Africa joined forces in 2020 to raise awareness of the burden of NCDs in Africa. Our aim is to enhance international commitments; empower and influence local stakeholders; and support our group members already implementing projects in Africa. The group acknowledge the complexity and heterogeneity of African healthcare and as an initial focus, plan to build on members’ existing contacts and networks. Learn more here.

Doctors for Vaccine Equity
Doctors for Vaccine Equity aim to highlight the vast inequities in COVID-19 vaccine access worldwide. We are calling for the Irish government to support the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations on global vaccine equity including the following actions:
- Support the TRIPS waiver to allow vaccine production in the Global South as a sustainable solution
- Facilitate urgent global redistribution of current vaccine supplies and commit to rational purchasing to avoid vaccine hoarding and wastage
- Ensure that any strategy for booster vaccines is ethical within a global context
Learn more here.