Ben Adams

World Health Organization, Mental Health and Substance Use  

Ben Adams currently works for the World Health Organization’s Mental Health and Substance Use Department, specifically supporting their Special Initiative for Mental Health. Prior to this, he worked as the Senior Mental Advisor for a global disability NGO for seven years, where he was the technical lead for mental health across Asia and Africa, and MHPSS in humanitarian settings.

Mr Adams comes from a mental health nursing background, working in various roles as a clinician and as a mental health specialist. He has supported the development and implementation of mental health programmes, mental health law, policy and system reform, and mental health research (TCD/LSHTM) across Asia, Africa, and Latin America.  

Dr Gerald Barry

Assistant Professor of Virology at University College Dublin 

Dr Gerald Barry is an Assistant Professor of Virology at University College Dublin. Dr Barry qualified with a degree in Genetics from Trinity College Dublin before moving to Edinburgh University to complete a Master’s and PhD in Virology.

He worked in The Roslin Institute in Edinburgh following completion of his PhD, before moving to Glasgow to work in the UK’s Centre for Virus Research. After 12 years in the UK, Gerald took up his position in UCD where he teaches and manages a research group studying viruses of both humans and animals. In UCD, Gerald is also the deputy director of the newly established UCD One Health Centre. 

Webinar 18: Health Partnerships during the pandemic: Contributions and Lessons


Webinar Anchor:  David Weakliam, HSE Global Health Programme Director
Francis Nyakoojo, Health and Nutrition Programme Manager, Concern Worldwide

Olimjon Saidmamatov, Researcher at Urgench State University

Joe Gallagher, National GP lead for heart failure with the Irish College of General Practitioners

Desalegn Bekele Taye, Healthcare quality and safety advocate professional

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 17: Men and COVID-19 – How are men affected by COVID-19 and how can the response better include them?


David Weakliam Global Health Programme Director, HSE

Noel Richardson from IT Carlow who is Director of the National Centre for Men’s Health in Ireland 

Professor Luke Clancy – Director General, TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland (TFRI) Dublin.

Professor Maria Lohan, Chair in Social Sciences and Health, Queens University Belfast

Gary Barker, President and CEO of Promundo-US

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 16: Leaving no one behind: Social inclusion, disability, and vulnerable groups


Ros Tamming, Senior Research Officer, National Disability Authority

Dr. Mary Keogh, Director, Disability Inclusive Development, CBM

Aidan Leavy, Independent Consultant, Member of Advisory Board of CIVICUS DIGNA

Margaret Fitzgerald, National Public Health Lead for Social Inclusion and Vulnerable Groups, HSE

ISL Interpreter: Ms. Bernadette Ferguson

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus, RCSI 

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 15: Malnutrition across the spectrum and the increased health risks during the COVID-19 pandemic


Dr Timothy Roberton, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Marie Mc Grath, Emergency Nutrition Network, ENN

Sajia Mehjabeen, Nutrition Advisor, SAL, Concern located in Bangladesh

Suzana Almoosawi, Public Health Nutritionist, Nutritional Epidemiologist

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus, RCSI 

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 14: Leaving No One Behind - Essential Services for NCD Patients in Ethiopia during COVID-19


Dr. Yoseph Mamo, HPA/THET Lead; THENA County Director 

Wondesen Berhe, NCD team leader, Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau

Mrs. Bezawit Ketema, PhD cand., Martin Luther University; AAU

Dr.Desalew Mekonnen, Consultant Internist/Cardiologist, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital

Dr.Adamu Addissie, Doctor; Preventative Medicine, SPH, AAU

Anchor: Ruairi Brugha 

Moderator: Dr. Mirgissa Kaba, Associate Professor, Addis Ababa University

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 13: Exploring a Planetary Health Response to COVID-19


Dr. Renzo Guinto, Chief Planetary Doctor, PH Lab

Lanvin Concessao, Project Associate, Energy Program at World Resources Institute India

Dr. Aoife Kirk, Senior Medical Officer during the COVID19 response, HSE Public Health team

Tara Shine, Director, Change by Degrees; Environmental Scientist

Moderator: Rosie James, Board Member, IGHN

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 12: The Positive Power of Communities in the Response to COVID-19


Ms Nicola Willis, Executive Director, AFRICAID-Zvandiri, Zimbabwe

Ms Florence Maritim Bore, Coordinator, Brighter Communities Worldwide, Kenya

Oanh Khuat, Executive Director, Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI), Vietnam

Ms Blessi Kumar, CEO, Global Coalition of TB Activists, India

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 11: The Broader Health and Health Systems Impacts of COVID-19 in LMICs


Prof. Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus, RCSI, IGHN Webinar Anchor

Dr. David Weakliam, Global Health Programme Director, HSE

Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership 

Dr. Trish Scanlan, Paediatric oncologist, Muhimbili Hospital, Tanzania

Dr. Elenia Macamo Amado, Ministry of Health, Mozambique 

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 10: Protecting Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Dr. Ivan Ivanov: Global Occupational and Workplace Health Team, Headquarters of WHO, Geneva

Dr. Will Ponsonby: President (Chair), Society of Occupational Medicine

Prof. Pierluigi Cocco: Occupational Medicine, University of Cagliari

Dr Joy Mugambi: General Practitioner, Nairobi, Kenya

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 9: Balancing Human Rights & Competing Priorities in the Global COVID-19 Response


Gregg Gonsalves, Epidemiology/Global Health Advocate, Yale University

Michael Higgins, Senior Program Officer, Pathfinders Program Lead, NYU Centre on International Cooperation

Odette Nyiramilimo, Rwandan Physician, Senator, and Member of AEPI

Attiya Waris, Professor and Writer, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 8: Leveraging research and evidence to support humanitarian response to COVID-19


Niall Roche, independent WaSH consultant, IGHN Board Member

Gul Wali Khan Prepared in Pakistan (National NGO)

Amy Folan, Senior Education Advisor at Concern Worldwide

Ben Heaven Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, Evidence Aid

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha,  Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 7: Gender Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Chitra Nagarajan: journalist, writer and activist    

Sarah Hillware, Deputy Director at Women in Global Health 

Sisonke Msimang, South African writer

Sophie Dilmitis, Women4GlobalFund (W4GF),

Claire Hayes – Consultant Clinical Psychologist 

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha,  Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar 6: The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health, Stigma and Vulnerable Groups


Claire Hayes – Consultant Clinical Psychologist 
Dominic Fannon – Consultant psychiatrist, HSE/ senior consultant with ImROC
Lesego Tlhwale – Media and Advocacy Officer, works with Global Network of People Living with HIV, South Africa
Sharon Morrow –  Nurse, Night Site Manager for Tallaght General HospitalDirector at All-Island Congenital Heart Disease Network

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha,  Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar Week 5: How can health & development NGOs best respond during COVID-19?


Anne O’Mahony, International Programme Director, Concern Worldwide.

Daniel Muhungura, Regional Health Advisor, GOAL

Dr Gabriel Fitzpatrick, Specialist in Public Health Medicine, HSE

Siobhan Walsh, CEO, GOAL

Suzanne Keatinge, CEO, Dochas

Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar Week 4: Lessons learned from HIV, Ebola epidemics & benefits of behavioral research


Kate Thomson, Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Margaret Fitzgerald, Public Health Lead for Social Inclusion/ Vulnerable Groups
Pete Lunn, Economic and Social Research Institute
Sian White, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Recorded address from Alam Alhuda abu Kalib, State Minister of Health, Sinnar State, Sudan

Overview of OpEd by Prof. Father Michael Kelly.

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar Week 3: North-South Partnerships during COVID-19: Best response


Dr. Arley Gomez Lopez.MD;MSc;PhD, Research Director at Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud
Dr. Mwenya Kasonde, emergency medicine physician
Dr. Ben Simms, THET.
Dr. Shams Syed: WHO Quality Systems/ Resilience Unit & oversees WHO national quality policy and strategy initiative
David Weakliam, HSE/ leader and advocate on global health issues in Ireland
Prof.Ruairi Brugha,
Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar Week 2: Donor and Funding Challenges for LMICs Hospital Readiness – EU-wide


Nelly Comon: Manager, Donor Relations, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

Unarose Hogan: WHO Consultant, COVID-19 Hospital Readiness

Ruairi Brugha,
Professor Emeritus

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE

Webinar Week 1: Launch of COVID Conversations


Prof. Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus, Former Head of the Department of Public Health & Epidemiology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 

Niall Roche, WASH/Env. Health Consultant and Lecturer. 

Diarmuid McClean, Development Specialist, Deputy Head of Mission for Embassy of Ireland in Lilongwe, Malawi

For a detailed webinar summary, CLICK HERE


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