Day 1: Health Systems Resilience
The Irish Global Health Network (IGHN) Conference – Global Imbalance and Social Inclusion was co-hosted with the HSE Global Health Programme and sponsored by Irish Aid. The conference was a hybrid event and was held on 26th and 27th October 2022.
Scroll down the page to see videos and presentations of participants.
Day 1 and Day 2 MCs

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Morning Plenaries
Keynote Speakers

Day 1: Health Systems Resilience

Day 2: Leadership, Representation, and Inclusion

Day 2: Leadership, Representation, and Inclusion

Afternoon Plenaries

Day 1: Access to Healthcare

Day 1: Access to Healthcare

Day 1: Access to Healthcare

Day 2: Women in Leadership

Day 2: Women in Leadership

Day 2: Women in Leadership

Day 2: Women in Leadership

Day 1: Access to Healthcare

Day 2: Women in Leadership
Day 1 Evening Sessions
Sally Hayden Book Launch

‘My Fourth Time, We Drowned’ Book Launch
Pre-recorded interview with Sally Hayden
Trigger Warning: sexual violence, suicide
Day 1 Round Up - Comments and Takeaways

Women in Global Health Ireland Launch

Morgane Clarke and Tejaswy Swathi introduce delegates to the Ireland chapter of Women in Global Health
Lancet Countdown Launch 2022 Report and Policy Briefs

Session Chair

WGH Ireland Workshop: Gender Equality for Global Health: Leadership in Politics, Public Life & the Workplace

Key Correspondents Summary

Parallel Sessions
Day 1 Morning Session 1: Health Systems Resilience - COVID-19

From Health Crisis to Health Resilience – A Systems Approach to Resilient Health

How did the Irish State respond to global COVID-19 vaccine inequity

Trust in a Time of Crisis

Unsalaried Health Workers in Sierra Leone
Day 1 Morning Session 2: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Effectiveness of an intervention in reducing distress among caregivers of disabled children

A Systematic Review of Effective Education-Based MHPSS Practices for Migrant and Refugee Youth

Including fathers in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for at-risk adolescents

Health inequalities among young people in Ireland: an exploratory stakeholder analysis

My LGBTI+ Voice Matters: The Views and Experiences of LGBTI+ Mental Health Service Users in Ireland
Day 1 Morning Session 3: Community Engagement for Health

Community Participation to Build and Sustain Local Capacity for Health Service Delivery, South Sudan

Community Led Action (CLA): putting communities at the centre of the COVID-19 response

Removing the tick-box process from community participatory approaches
Day 1 Afternoon Session 1: Community Response for Resilience

Special Olympics International: Supporting families of Special Olympics athletes during COVID-19

Participation in early childhood programmes and social cohesion in Mali

A Mapping of GOAL’s Cash, Vouchers and Social Protection Interventions Linked with Health
Day 1 Afternoon Session 2: Human Resources for Health

An “Ireland Inc.” Response to the Surgical Care Crisis in East, Central and Southern Africa

Postpartum Haemorrhage in Low-Resource Settings: Barriers to Treatment and Enabling Solutions

Non-communicable diseases and the caring role in Uganda

Direct Nutrition Service Provision by CONCERN Sudan to Government Lead Delivery Through Empowerment
Day 1 Afternoon Session 3: Conflict

Mobile Clinics: Alternative Model of Care in Conflict-Affected Settings Within COVID-19 Context Chad

Crisis, conflict and children’s health: The CHI response to the Ukrainian conflict

Exploring the Challenges and Potentials of Using Participatory Methods in Humanitarian Medical Care

Estimating the prevalence of HIV among Ukrainian refugees in Ireland
Day 2 Morning Session 1: Local and Global

Assessing global health: Are you sure you are measuring what you think you are measuring?

Global Surgical Training Challenge Mentorship Programme – Supporting Innovation in Surgical Training

Irish Fruit and Vegetable Imports from Climate-vulnerable Countries.

Using Mobility Learning in Enhancing Nurse Education on Global Health Inequalities

HepCare Plus: Enhancing Primary Care Identification & Treatment of Hepatitis C in High-Risk Patients
Day 2 Morning Session 2: Social Inclusion and Marginalisation - Child and Adolescent Health

Social Mobilisation to Prevent Child Malnutrition and Key Childhood Illnesses in Burundi

Social adversity and Healthcare Provision: A snap shot of considerations for child health in Ireland

Exploring Developmental Outcomes for Children attending Community-based Pre-Schools in Timor-Leste

Paediatric Inclusion Health: Equitable healthcare for children experiencing social adversity

Improving Outcomes for Children Living in Homelessness: a Scoping Review
Day 2 Morning Session 3: Empowerment - Health Care Leadership and Representation

The experiences of young leaders implementing HIV prevention in humanitarian settings

Empowering mothers & caretakers to screen U5 children for malnutrition using Family MUAC in Kenya

Who is accountable for equity? An analysis of the critical actors in COVID-19 vaccination response

Cash Transfers for Emergency Healthcare in Humanitarian Settings: the Case of Burkina Faso
Day 2 Afternoon Session 1: Social Inclusion and Marginalisation - Adult Health

Susceptibility of persons with disabilities to landslides in Mount Elgon, Eastern Uganda

Migrants and the Exacerbation of Inequities Associated with the Emergence of Monkeypox in Ireland

Rockcourt Medical: Social Prescribing in an Irish General Practice

Improving Nutrition Programming to Reach Vulnerable Populations: Practical Guidance for Implementers
Day 2 Afternoon Session 2: Tackling Stigma

Shibalaya Health Model – making mainstream health services inclusive in Bangladesh

The importance of key influencers & an enabling environment for healthy behaviours: Ethiopia

Using IBSR to address self stigma in people with severe spectrum obesity attending general practice

Attitudes of teachers in Bulgarian kindergartens towards inclusive education
Day 2 Afternoon Session 3: Models of Care and Equitable Health Care Delivery

Health Financing: A Sustainable Social Protection Measure for Vulnerable Urban Poor in Bangladesh

Exploring barriers and facilitators to Surgery for people experiencing homelessness in the UK

Establishing diabetic eye screening in Dodoma, Tanzania

CHILDSTAR: CHIldren Living with Diabetes See and Thrive with AI Review

Integrated Health & Rehabilitation Services in Mass Displacement: A model for inclusive healthcare
Co-Chairs For Parallel Sessions

Co-chair for Day 1 Morning Parallel Session 1: Health Systems Resilience – COVID-19

Co-chair for Day 1 Morning Parallel Session 1: Health Systems Resilience – COVID-19

Co-chair for Day 1 Morning Parallel Session 2: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Co-chair for Day 1 Morning Parallel Session 2: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Co-chair for Day 1 Morning Parallel Session 3: Community Engagement for Health

Co-chair for Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session 1: Community Response for Resilience

Co-chair for Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session 1: Community Response for Resilience

Co-chair for Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session 2: Human Resources for Health

Co-chair for Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session 2: Human Resources for Health

Co-chair for Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session 3: Conflict

Co-chair for Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Session 3: Conflict

Co-chair for Day 2 Morning Parallel Session 1: Local and Global

Co-chair for Day 2 Morning Parallel Session 1: Local and Global

Co-chair for Day 2 Morning Parallel Session 2: Social Inclusion and Marginalisation – Child and Adolescent Health

Co-chair for Day 2 Morning Parallel Session 2: Social Inclusion and Marginalisation – Child and Adolescent Health

Co-chair for Day 2 Morning Parallel Session 3: Empowerment – Health Care Leadership and Representation

Co-chair for Day 2 Morning Parallel Session 3: Empowerment – Health Care Leadership and Representation

Co-chair for Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session 1: Social Inclusion and Marginalisation – Adult Health

Co-chair for Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session 1: Social Inclusion and Marginalisation – Adult Health

Co-chair for Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session 2: Tackling Stigma

Co-chair for Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session 2: Tackling Stigma

Co-chair for Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session 3: Models of Care and Equitable Health Care Delivery

Co-chair for Day 2 Afternoon Parallel Session 3: Models of Care and Equitable Health Care Delivery