WWD2011 Presentation – Water is Life: Amazzi Bulamu, by Dr. Brid Quilty

April 4, 2011

Water is Life: Amazzi Bulamu

Dr Brid Quilty presented information on Dublin City University’s “Water is Life: Amazzi Bulamu” project, another example of a research programme that incorporates a variety of partners, such as Irish Aid and the Higher Education Authority, and emphasises community engagement. As Dr. Quilty noted, the technology for treating our wastewater is not particularly new – instead, a large part of the challenge for WASH is a matter of infrastructures, the growing scale of populations, and the load put on the systems. However, these often forgotten basics really are “absolutely essential to our well being.” PhD students in the programme are conducting inter‐ disciplinary research examining water sourcing and sanitation in the rural Makondo region of Uganda.

The project is a 5 year programme – 2008 to 2013, funded directly through the Irish Aid/Higher Education Authority (HEA) Programme of Strategic Co-Operation which promotes innovative research in support of Irish Aid’s mission and develops the capacity of the higher education sector for research on issues affecting the developing world.



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