News Articles

IFGH 2012: Conference Materials

by globalhealth on Feb 24, 2012 in IFGH 2011-2012 Conference and Events
Posted by Irish Forum for Global Health | IFGH 2012 Conference Materials Click here for the IFGH Health Dialogues Podcast in response to the IFGH 2012 International Conference. Click here for the IFGH 2012 International Conference Slideshow. Visit our Flickr account for conferenc photos. To connect...

IFGH 2012: Conference Presentations, Day 2

by globalhealth on Feb 21, 2012 in Presentations
FRIDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 8:00-8:45am – Beaux Lane House                              Irish civil society breakfast meeting with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria             … Continue reading "IFGH 2012: Conference Presentations, Day...

IFGH 2012: Conference Presentations, Day 1

by globalhealth on Feb 17, 2012 in Presentations
Irish Forum for Global Health Conference ‘The Global Health Workforce: Pathways to Health’ Why are health workers important? 2nd – 3rd February 2012 Programme   THURSDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 8:30-9:00am – … Continue reading "IFGH 2012: Conference Presentations, Day...

IFGH submission on health to Irish Aid White Paper Review

by globalhealth on Feb 17, 2012 in Policy
The IFGH welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the White Paper review and has undertaken a wide and inclusive consultation process with its members through a series of open consultation meetings, eForum discussions and use of social media. This 5000 word submission provides a coherent and focused contribution...

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