IFGH 2012: Conference Presentations, Day 2

February 21, 2012


8:00-8:45am – Beaux Lane House

                             Irish civil society breakfast meeting with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

                             Hosted by Dochas and IFGH (pre-confirmed participants only due to space limitations)

8:30-8:50am –Global Health Village (Exam Hall)


9:00-10:30amO’Flanagan Theatre

Welcome and opening remarks

Prof Hannah McGee (RCSI, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences)

                     Chair:  Prof Ruairi Brugha (RCSI, Head Dept of Epi and Public Health Medicine)

                             Strengthening and supporting the health workforce

                             Dr. Mphu Ramatlapeng, (Minister of Health,  Lesotho) – Audio

                             Ms Sheila Dickson, (President, INMO) – Audio

                             Prof Kieran Murphy (President, Irish Medical Council) – Audio


                             Michael O’Connor (Manager of civil society and private sector partnerships, GFATM) – Audio

                             Dr Vincent O’Neill, (Irish Aid)


10:30-11:00am – Global Health Village (Exam Hall)

Tea & Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 – Parallel Sessions (Tutorial Rooms 1, 2&3, 4)

Parallel Session 1: Novel Technologies for Human Resources Training & Management

Chair: Marc Mitchell, Co-Chair: Elaine Byrne

Everd Maniple BikaitwohaHuman Resource for Health (HRH) Database Linkage and

                                Harmonisation in Uganda (p. 104)

Ayat AbuAgla – From Dream to Reality’ The National HRH observatory- Sudan Success story

(p. 100)

Abobakr Shadad – Novel approach for North-South partnerships for Training & Capacity-

                                building utilizing an Electronic Health Library  (E-HL) (p. 106)

Bob JolliffeGeography, dependency and hidden labour in national health management

                                information systems (HMIS) (p. 103)

Panel Discussion

Parallel Session 2: Ethical Health Worker Recruitment & Migration

Chair: Anne Matthews, Co-Chair: Mubashar Sheikh

Anne Matthews – Introduction to theme and link with DCU symposium

Ruairi Brugha WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health

                                Personnel – implications for Ireland (p. 93)

Niamh HumphriesNurse Migration and Health Workforce Planning in the Irish Context

                                (p. 95)

Ruairi BrughaTrends, 2000-2010, in country of qualification of doctors registered in Ireland

                                (p. 94)

Anne Matthews – An exploration of the hospital and ward factors associated with high levels of

                                overseas-trained nurses in general hospitals in Ireland: using Irish RN4CAST study results

                                (p. 97)

Panel Discussion

Parallel Session 3: Health Worker Motivation, Retention & Task Shifting

Chair: Nuha Ibrahim, Co-Chair: Ogenna Uduma

Richard Laku – Beyond a human resources crisis: the quality of health services in South Sudan

(p. 74)

Elizabeth EkirapaChanging incentives for health workers through a voucher scheme for

                               maternal health services (p. 69)

Camille BoostromKey Challenges in Ethiopia’s Health Extension Programme: Lessons from

                                the Field (p. 66)

Kate Coleman – Economically sustainable high quality career paths for African eye care

workers (p. 68)

Donal O’Mathuna – Disaster bioethics: preparing health workers for ethical dilemmas (p. 83)

12:00-12:30 O’Flanagan Theatre, John Kevany Lecture: ‘Human Resources for Inclusive Health’

Chair: Dr Diarmuid O’Donovan, NUI Galway and Director of Public Health in the Health Service

Executive (HSE West, Galway)

                               Prof Mac MacLachlan – Audio

14:15-15:45 Parallel Sessions

Parallel Session 1: Mobile Phone Technologies and Health Workers

Chair: Tom O’Callaghan

Frédérique Vallières– supporting & Strengthening MNCH services using mobile phones: A

research protocol

Marc Mitchell – D-tree decision support to Community Health Workers

Response: Dave O’Byrne, Lesley Anne Long and Bob Jolliffe

Panel Discussion

Parallel Session 2: North-South Partnerships – Education, Training & Capacity Building (Focus on


Chair: Farid Lamara, Co-Chair: Diarmuid McClean

Eric O’Flynn – Addressing surgical manpower in Sub Saharan Africa: an intercollegiate

                                partnership between RCSI and COSECSA (p. 29)

Elaine Byrne – Contextuality of relationships between researchers and decision makers in

                                strengthening health research capacity (p. 20)

Honorati MasanjaHealth Systems Strengthening for Equity (HSSE): The Power and Potential

                                of Mid-level Providers (p. 79)

Heather Ignatius – Capacity building through TB regimen development (p. 31)

Panel Discussion

Parallel Session 3: Health Worker Motivation & Retention & Task Shifting

Chair: Eilish McAuliffe

Eilish McAuliffeAn Investigation of the Job Preferences of Mid-Level Healthcare Providers in

                                Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from Large Sample Discrete Choice Experiments in Malawi,

                                Mozambique and Tanzania (p. 78)

Charles Norman – The Relative Importance of Different Motivational Determinants for

                                Different Categories of Health Workers in South Africa, Tanzania and Malawi (p. 65)

Anna AworMeasuring Health Workforce Distribution in Uganda (p. 62)

John KadzandiraThe quagmire of task shifting for service quality and coverage: preliminary

                                findings from 2 districts of Malawi (p. 73)

Panel Discussion

15:45 – 16:00 Global Health Village (Exam Hall), Tea & Coffee Break

16:00 – 16:30 O’Flanagan Theatre, Closing Remarks

Chair: Dr. Eilish McAuliffe

                                Ruari Brugha

David Weakliam: Conference Statement

Anne Matthews: Closing Remarks



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