Posted by Irish Forum for Global Health | IFGH 2012 Conference Materials
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Thursday 2nd February
Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Professor Cathal Kelly, CEO, RCSI
- Chair: Dr. David Weakliam, Chair, Irish Forum for Global Health
- Minister Joe Costello, Minister of State for Trade and Development
- Mr. Cathal Magee, CEO, Health Services Executive
- Dr. Mubashar Sheikh, Executive Director, Global Health Workforce Alliance
- Professor Eilish McGovern, President, RCSI
Responding to Current Challenges in the Human Resources for Health Crisis
- Chair: Dr. Mphu Ramatlapeng, Minister of Health, Leostho
- Ms. Dorothy Ngoma, Executive Director of the National Organization of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi and Oxfam Ambassador
- Dr. Tom O’Callaghan, CEO of the iheed Institute
- Discussion
Parallel Session 1 (AM): North South Partnerships – Education, Training & Capacity Building
- Chair: David Weakliam
- Michael Earley, (p. 21), ‘The burden of facial clefting and how its global impact can be addressed‘
- Kieran O’Driscoll, (p. 24), ‘The Institute of ENT and Audiology in Zambia‘
- Tony Ryan, 10 steps to an International Partnership
- Farid Lamara, ESTHER Alliance
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 2 (AM): Community-Bases Responses
- Chair: Jim Clarken
- Enida Friel, Introduction to theme and link with DCU symposium
- Gwyneth Cotes, (p. 41), ‘Effectiveness and sustainability of an integrated Care Group model in delivering community health services’
- Khalifa Elmusharaf, (p. 44), ‘Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation Research (PEER) empowers marginalized women to engage in Community Directed Reproductive Health Interventions‘
- Adrianna Murphy, (p. 57), ‘Using Community Health Workers to Manage Hypertension in Urban India: A Cost effectiveness Analysis’
- Enida Friel, (p. 46), ‘Public Health Advocacy in Low Income Settings: Views and Experiences on Effective Strategies and Evaluation of Health Advocates in Malawi’
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 3 (AM): Health Worker Motivation & Retention & Task Shifting
- Chair: Anne Mathews
- Jennifer Weiss, (p. 89), ‘A model for motivation of Community Health Workers’
- Helen Prytherch, (p. 85), ‘Influences on the motivation, performance and job satisfaction of primary health care providers in rural Tanzania’
- Posy Bidwell, (p. 63), ‘The Implementation Challenges of Improving Motivation through better financial incentives in South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania’
- Tavares Madede, (p. 86), ‘Motivating and Retaining Mid-level Cadres in Obstetric Services‘
- Breda Gahan, (p. 71), ‘PlHIV as Peer Counsellors in first level Health Care Facilities in Haiti’
- Ian Hodgson, (p. 72), ‘Networks of People living with HIV: strengthening community responses to HIV in Uganda’
- Enida Friel, (p. 46), ‘Public Health Advocacy in Low Income Settings: Views and Experiences on Effective Strategies and Evaluation of Health Advocates in Malawi’
- Panel Discussion
Oral Poster Sessions
- Chair: Aisling Walsh, Co-Chair: Nuha Ibrahim
- Khalifa Elmusharaf, (p. 43), ‘Innovative Participatory Health Education ‘IPHE’: an approach to capacity strengthening for researchers and policy makers’
- John Kadzandira, (p. 49), ‘Create CBOs or no funding for HIV work’ The case of external funding on community HIV response in Malawi’
- Rose Luz, (p. 56), ‘Community-driven Scale-Up of Community Case Management’
- Posy Bidwell, (p. 92), ‘The dynamics of temporary doctor migration: the experience of South African doctors working in Ireland’
Parallel Session 1 (PM): North-South Partnerships – Education, Training, & Capacity Building (focus on education)
- Noel Murphy, Co-Chair: Danny Edwards
- Lesley Anne Long, (p. 25), ‘Turning the HEAT up for community health workers’
- Elsheikh Badr, (p. 19), ‘Sudan academy of health sciences – an innovative response to health workforce crisis’
- Everd Maniple Bikaitwoha, (p. 18), ‘PhD programme for Health Systems Research Capacity Strengthening in Africa‘
- Aisling Lavelle, (p. 25), ‘The impact of geographical and cultural translocation on students in a western medical school’
- Fiona MacLeod, (p. 27), ‘Moving Mountains to Develop Public Health Knowledge and Skills in Uganda and Ireland’
- Abobakr Shadad, (p. 30), ‘An initiative for training collaboration between An Irish and Sudanese multidisciplinary diabetes centre’
- Ogenna Uduma, (p. 32), ‘The international doctorate in global health: building capacity for health system research’
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 2 (PM): Community-Based Responses (focus on strengthening community health systems)
- Chair: Louis Da Gama, Co-Chair: Nadine Ferris France
- Aisling Walsh, (p. 59), ‘Sustainability of community based organisations for HIV/AIDS care and support services in Zambia’
- Brian van Wyk, (p. 60), ‘Health systems barriers to adherence to antiretroviral treatment programme in rural South Africa’
- Carlos Bruen, (p. 39), ‘Increasing Country & Community Involvement in Global Health Policy Processes? The Case of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’
- Breda Gahan, (p. 40), ‘People living with HIV in Orissa State, India supporting others living with HIV’
- Duaa Abu-Sin, (p. 42), ‘University Community Partnership Project: Community Selection Criteria and Readiness Assessment’
Parallel Session 3 (PM): Health Worker Motivation & Retention & Task Shifting (focus on mid-level providers)
- Chair: Eilish McAuliffe
- Mohsin Sidat, (p. 88), Expected to deliver: Alignment of regulation, training, and actual performance of emergency obstetric care providers in Malawi and Tanzania’
- Susan Bradley, (p. 67), ‘An in-depth exploration of health worker supervision in Malawi and Tanzania’
- Henry Mollel, (p. 75), ‘Who is doing what? Performance of the emergency obstetric signal functions by non-physician clinicians and nurse-midwives in Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania’‘
- Juzer Lotya, (p. 76), ‘Addressing Malawi’s human resources capacity to address obstetrics and neonatal care’
- Panel Discussion
Film Viewing
- Chair: David Weakliam
- His Excellency A.J.D. Ndou, Introduction
- “The Motherland Tour – A Journey of African Women with Yvonne Chaka Chaka”
Annual Irish Aid Professor Father Michael Kelly Lecture: Strengthening the Health Workforce to Respond to HIV and Other Major Diseases
- Chair: Irish Aid
- Dr. Mphu Ramatlapeng, Minister of Health, Lesotho
- Professor Father Michael Kelly, Zambia
- Yvonne Chaka Chaka, South African Singer, UNICEF and Roll Back Malaria Ambassador and UN Envoy for Africa
Friday 3rd February
Dochas and IFGH Irish civil society breakfast meeting with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Welcome and Opening Remarks (Day 2): Strengthening and supporting the health workforce
- Professor Hannah McGee, RCSI, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Chair: Professor Ruairi Brugha, RCSI, Head Department of Epi and Public Health Medicine
- Dr. Mphu Ramatlapeng, Minister of Health, Lesotho
- Ms. Sheila Dickson, President, INMO
- Professor Kieran Murphy, President, Irish Medical Council
- Michael O’Connor, Manager of civil society and private sector partnerships, GFATM
- Dr. Vincent O’Neill, Irish Aid
- Discussion
Parallel Session 1 (AM): Novel Technologies for Human Resources Training & Management
- Chair: Marc Mitchell, Co-Chair: Elaine Byrne
- Everd Maniple Bikaitwoha, (p. 104), ‘Human Resources for Health (HRH) Database Linkage and Harmonisation in Uganda’
- Ayat AbuAgla, (p. 100), ‘From Dream to Reality – The National HRH observatory – Sudan Success story’
- Abobakr Shadad, (p. 106), ‘Novel approach for North-South partnerships for Training & Capacity-building utilizing an Electronic Health Library (E-HL)’
- Bob Jolliffe, (p. 103), ‘Geography, dependency and hidden labour in national health management information systems (HMIS)’
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 2 (AM): Ethical Health Worker Recruitment & Migration
- Chair: Anne Matthews
- Ruairi Brugha, (p. 93), ‘WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel – implications for Ireland’
- Niamh Humphries, (p. 95), ‘Nurse Migration and Health Workforce Planning in the Irish Context‘
- Ruairi Brugha, (p. 94), ‘Trends, 2000-2010, in country of qualification of doctors registered in Ireland’
- Anne Matthews (p. 97), ‘An exploration of the hospital and ward factors associated with high levels of overseas-trained nurses in general hospitals in Ireland: using Irish RN4CAST study results’
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 3 (AM): Health Worker Motivation, Retention & Task Shifting
- Chair: Nuha Ibrahim, Co-Chair: Ogenna Uduma
- Richard Laku, (p. 74), ‘Beyond a human resources crisis: the quality of health services in South Sudan’
- Elizabeth Ekirapa, (p. 69), ‘Changing incentives for health workers through a voucher scheme for maternal health services’
- Camille Boostrom, (p. 66), ‘Key Challenges in Ethiopia’s Health Extension Programme: Lessons from the Field’
- Kate Coleman, (p. 68), ‘Economically sustainable high quality career paths for African eye care workers’
- Donal O’Mathuna, (p. 83), ‘Disaster bioethics: preparing health workers for ethical dilemmas’
John Kevany Lecture: ‘Human Resources for Inclusive Health’
- Chair: Dr. Diarmuid O’Donovan, NUI Galway and Director of Public Health in the Health Services Executive (HSE West, Galway)
- Professor Mac MacLachlan, Trinity College Dublin
Parallel Session 1 (PM): Mobile Phone Technologies and Health Workers
- Chair: Dr. Tom O’Callaghan
- Frédérique Vallières, ‘Supporting & Strengthening MNCH services using mobile phones: A research protocol’
- Marc Mitchell, ‘D-tree decision support to Community Health Workers’
- Response: Dave O’Byrne, Lesley Anne Long and Bob Jolliffe
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 2 (PM): North-South Partnerships – Education, Training & Capacity Building (Focus on education)
- Chair: Farid Lamara, Co-Chair: Diarmuid McClean
- Eric O’Flynn, (p. 29), ‘Addressing surgical manpower in Sub Saharan Africa: an intercollegiate partnership between RCSI and COSECSA’
- Elaine Byrne, (p. 20), ‘Contextuality of relationships between researchers and decision makers in strengthening health research capacity’
- Honorati Masania, (p. 79), ‘Health Systems Strengthening for Equity (HSSE): The Power and Potential of Mid-level Providers’
- Heather Ignatius, (p. 31), ‘Capacity building through TB regimen development’
- Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 3 (PM): Health Worker Motivation & Retention & Task Shifting
- Chair: Eilish McAuliffe
- Eilish McAuliffe, (p. 78), ‘An Investigation of the Job Preferences of Mid-Level Healthcare Providers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from Large Sample Discrete Choice Experiments in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania’
- Charles Norman, (p. 65), ‘The Relative Importance of Different Motivational Determinants for Different Categories of Health Workers in South Africa, Tanzania and Malawi’
- Anna Awor, (p. 62), ‘Measuring Health Workforce Distribution in Uganda’
- John Kadzandira, (p. 73), ‘The quagmire of task shifting for service quality and coverage: preliminary findings from 2 districts of Malawi’
- Panel Discussion
Closing Remarks
- Chair: Dr. Eilish McAuliffe
- Ruairi Brugha: Parallel Session Highlights
- David Weakliam: Conference Statement
- Anne Matthews: Closing Remarks
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