To connect with the IFGH 2010 Conference Materials, click on the links below:
Welcome and Conference Opening
- Dr. David Weakliam, Chair, Irish Forum for Global Health
- Tom Arnold, Concern Worldwide ‘Innovation in linking food security, nutrition and health’
- Dr Philip Onyebujoh, World Health Organization ‘Optimising TB/HIV programme services delivery through TB/HIV research: The WHO/TDR model’
- Michael Devlin, Council on Health Research and Development (COHRED) ‘Research for Health: Approaches to research system strengthening COHRED’s experience with countries’
Session: HIV/AIDS
- Siobhán O’Higgins, AIDS West, Galway (1) ‘The development of an evidence-based schools sex educationprogramme by AIDS West’
- F. Finnan, Gender and HIV Team, Trócaire, Maynooth (19) ‘Sharing lessons learned from the development and rollout of three puppet films designed for eight -12 year old children in South and East Africa that convey lessons on Stigma, Prevention and Gender Equality.’
- Ndiwalana N Umar, PROMETRA-Uganda (20) ‘Role Of Traditional Healers (Ths) In Providing Affordable, Accessible, And Culturally Appropriate Care To People Living With Hiv/Aids (Plwhas) In Mpigi District’
- A. Walsh, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin (2) ‘What happens when the donors withdraw? Community based organisations and the world bank in Zambia’
- Titus Lugendo, TANOPHA, Tanzania (23) ‘Tension Between International Donors/NGOs And CBOs’ (23)
- D. Gitau-Mburu , International HIV AIDS Alliance (49) ‘New HIV prevention technologies: Hidden challenges’
- B. Gahan, Concern Worldwide (Dublin) (54) ‘Understanding the concept of HIV risk in Western Province of Zambia: A study in Mongu, Senanga and Kaoma Districts’
Session: Climate change, environment, food security, nutrition
- D. O’Breasail, National University of Ireland, Cork (11) ‘The links between indigenous crop cultivation and the nutritional status of children in Kerewan, The Gambia’
- B.Dineen, University of Aberdeen, Scotland (7) ‘Impact of local and international decision making on the health and nutritional status of Somalis in an asylum seeker/refugee camp, Ethopia’
- S.A. Lawal, Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin (16) ‘Population Growth and Waste Management in an African City’
- Liz Bates,Combrook Warks, UK (48) ‘ Reducing Respiratory Illness through alleviating kitchen smoke’
- U. A. Siddiqui, MSc in Global Health, Trinity College Dublin (13) ‘Carcinoma in non-smokers:a systematic literature review’
Session: Health systems and services
- Anne Matthews, School of Nursing, Dublin City University (4) ‘A comparison of the perceptions of nurses working in Irish hospitals who trained in Ireland or overseas: Implications for healthcare and nurse workforce planning’
- Niamh Humphries, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin (45) ‘The global code on health worker migration-marking Ireland’s score card’
- Keerti Bhusan Pradhan, Right to Sight, Madurai, India (38) ‘Private healthcare augmenting public health’
- Una Lynch, School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast (10) ‘Public Health: Why are the Cubans so successful? A case study of public health governance in Cuba’
- I.P. Kazanga, School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin (55) ‘Building safe healthcare systems: fighting the war against medical errors and improving patient safety in developing countries’
- E. McAuliffe, Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin (32) ‘An advocacy-research partnership:a successful knowledge-translation platform?’
- C. Dempsey, Bangladesh (9) ‘Access and barriers to health services experienced by the Hijra in Dhaka, Bangladesh’
Plenary Session I: John Kevany Memorial Lecture
- Dr. Zeda Rosenberg, CEO, International Partnership for Microbicides ‘New Science, New Hope: Giving Women Power Over HIV/AIDS’
Plenary Session II
- Professor Robert Thornton, University of Witswatersrand ‘Why “sexual networks”?: The importance of social structure and scale in a sexually transmitted epidemic’
Session: Equity and Access
- Hasheem Mannan, Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin (34) ‘A new framework for evaluating and developing equity and inclusion through health policy research and planning’
- Mary Manandhar, School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences NUI Galway (43) ‘Qualitative research informs equity and access programming for safer motherhood in Nepal’
- Seamas Kelly, School of Business, University College Dublin (25) ‘Information For Action: Understanding Attempts To Transform Public Health Practices In India’
- R. Tamming, Concern Worldwide, Dublin (26) ‘Using An Urban Health Partnership Programme In Bangladesh To Improve Equity And Access To Services’
- Malcolm MacLachlan, Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin (21) ‘Partnership and The Aid Triangle’
- K. Coleman, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin (12) ‘Economically sustainable eyecare in Africa’
- R. Kalaba, All Hallows College, Dublin (27) ‘Factors Affecting Orphans And Vulnerable Children (Ovc) Dropping Out From Schools: Case Study Of Mulenga Compound, Kitwe – Zambia’
Session: Diseases of poverty
- Kevin G. McGuigan, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin (47) ‘The Sodiswater Project: health impact assessments of solar disinfection of Drinking water against childhood dysentry and diarrhoea in Zimbabwe, S Africa, Kenya and Cambodia’
- Bobby Ramakant, CNS Stop-TB Initiative, Lucknow, India (6) ‘Breaking Silos: Addressing Poverty to improve TB control in High Burden countries’
- Aidara Cherif Nasser, Trinity College Dublin (30) ‘Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (Dots) Supervision: An Investigation Into The Knowledge And Practices Of Community Dots Providers (Cdps) In Tuberculosis Treatment In The Prefecture Of Telimele, Guinea’
- Stephen Gikuru, Egerton University, Kenya (15) ‘Schistosomiasis: Exploring New Control targets Using Genomic Information’
- Richard Forde, Institute of Immunology, NUI Maynooth (17) ‘Molecular Analysis Of Msp1 And Msp2Genotypes Of Plasmodium Falciparum Obtained From Adults Participating In The P. Falciparum Malaria Protein 10 (Fmp10) Vaccine Trial In Kombewa Division, Western Kenya’
Session: Interventions
- Alison Saunders, Health Poverty Action, London (3) ‘Promoting safe motherhood amongst the Miskitu andSuma-Mayanga people, Raan, Nicaragua’
- M. J. Quereishi, School of Medical Education, Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, India (42) ‘Knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning methods among the rural females of Bagbahara block Mahasamunddistrict in Chhattisgarh state’
- Frederique Vallieres, Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin (50) ‘A community-based participatory analysis of orphans and vulnerable children in Rongai constituency, Rift Valley Province, Kenya’
- K. Golden, Concern Worldwide, Ireland (37) ‘Cost effectiveness of community based management of acute malnutrition in Malawi’
- Michael Gatley,Medentech Ltd. (51) ‘New technology & techniques for point of use household water treatment – the success of Aquatabs water purification tablets.’
- Keerti Bhusan Pradhan, Right to sight, Madurai, India (39) ‘Doing Right Things vs Doing Things Right-An example of a National Plan for Prevention of Blindness in Rwanda.’
- G.N. Hicheka, TAMEFA, Tanzania (33) ‘Global war against drug abuse and alcohol:the war’s irony and the government’s hypocrisy:Tanzania case’
Workshop Sessions: Building capacity for global health in Ireland
Plenary Session III
- Prof. Michael Kelly, University of Zambia ‘HIV and AIDS: Accomplishments and Enduring Challenges’
- James O’Connor, Open Heart House Dublin ‘HIV and AIDS – A Positive Perspective’
Conference Programme and Abstract Book can be downloaded here
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