When will COVID19 become more widespread in developing countries (especially African continent)?

March 23, 2020

We can share the current data. According to WHO Global Statistics: 

  • Nine new countries/territories/areas (African Region [7], European Region [1] and Region of Americas [1]) in have reported cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. (Valid from March 16, 2020)
  • A WHO high-level technical mission concluded a visit to Iraq to support the Iraqi Ministry of Health in their COVID-19 prevention and containment measures. WHO is working around the clock to establish 3 negative-pressure [contagious respiratory disease isolation] rooms in Baghdad, Erbil and Basra to accommodate patients who might require more sophisticated medical treatment

Link: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports/ 

According to WHO Africa:  

“As of 11 March 2020, a total of 47 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with no deaths, have been reported across nine countries in the region: Algeria (20), South Africa (13), Senegal (5), Nigeria (2), Cameroon (2), Burkina Faso (2), Cote d’Ivoire (1), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1), and Togo (1). Figures 1 and 2 show the temporal and geographical distribution of cases, respectively. In the rest of the African continent, a total of 66 confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported from three countries: Egypt (59), Tunisia (5), and Morocco (2)”  

Link: https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus-covid-19 

Another interesting source of information is Our World in Data which shows the location against how long it took for number of total confirmed cases to double.  

Country  How long did it take for the number of total confirmed cases to double Total confirmed cases Daily new confirmed cases 

(Since March 15th) 

China  34 days 81,048 +27 
Italy  4 days 21,157 +3,497 
Iran 7 days 12,729 +1365 
South Africa  1 day 38 +21  
Algeria  7 days 37 +11 
Senegal 1 day 21 +11  

Link: https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus 



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