
March 31, 2020

Women in Global Health launch COVID 50/50

This campaign is for a stronger and more equitable COVID response. The campaign support advocacy efforts and the community in the fight for a gender-sensitive pandemic response.
7 ways to join the effort towards a stronger pandemic response:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Share on social using #COVID5050
  3. Join our Facebook community. 
  4. Partner with us
  5.  Subscribe to our newsletter â€” and tell your friends.
  6. Participate in Crowdsourcing information on gender
  7.  Donate your time


European Commission Coordinates Response to COVID-19 Outbreak

The European Commission is coordinating a common European response  to the outbreak of COVID-19. They are taking resolute action to reinforce our public health sectors and mitigate the socio-economic impact in the European Union. The commission is are mobilising all means at their disposal to help Member States coordinate their national responses and are providing objective information about the spread of the virus and effective efforts to contain it. 

President von der Leyen has established a Coronavirus response team at political level to coordinate the response to the pandemic

During these times of crisis, across the European Union, countries, regions and cities are stretching out a helping hand to neighbours and assistance is given to those most in need: donations of protective equipment such as masks, cross-border treatments of ill patients and bringing stranded citizens home. This is European solidarity at its best.


Science Foundation Ireland Build Research Resource to Meet Demands of the COVID-19 Crisis

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is working together with Government Departments and other agencies (IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Health Research Board, Irish Research Council and others), and the wider research and innovation community to ensure a coordinated and meaningful contribution to solving some of the challenges presented by COVID-19.

Here is their Five Point Plan, SFI’s contribution to the Irish Government’s National Action Plan in response to COVID-19, outlining key activities where SFI believe the research community can make a positive impact.



Conflict and Health: Exploring Health Challenges in Current Conflicts

Conflict and Health: Exploring Health Challenges in Current...

IGHN Conference 2024 – Speakers

Irish Global Health Network Conference  ...

Conflict and Health: Exploring Health Challenges in Current Conflicts

Date: June – August 2024 Location: Online, via Zoom...

IGHN Conference 2024 – Abstract Submission

  Irish Global Health Network Conference  ...

Leadership Essentials in Global Health, Five-Day Summer Programme – 2024

Date: August 19-23, 2024 Location: Dublin, Ireland  ...


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