COVID-19: Gender Resources

April 23, 2020

This is a dedicated page on gender issues as they relate to COVID-19. It contains articles and resources on women, men and the LGBTQ community, along with guidelines and suggestions for healthcare workers and those working in low- and middle-income settings. 



Guide to Menstrual Cycles & Mental Health

Guide about the importance of self-care and mental health awareness during periods. 

View it here: 

Gender Dimensions of COVID-19 Pandemic

The Irish Global Health Network and ESTHER Alliance ran a series of webinars on the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The 7th Webinar was co-hosted by Women in Global Health (WGH) Ireland, a new country chapter of the WGH Global Movement and represented the first launch event. 

IGHN, ESTHER Alliance, Women in Global Health Ireland and Women for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria have collaborated to publish a gender summary brief to mark a new country chapter of the Women in Global Health Movement in Ireland, based on the topics raised in this webinar.



CARE + IRC: Global Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19

CARE International + International Rescue Committee

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation classified COVID-19 as a pandemic. Disease outbreaks affect women, girls, men, boys, and persons of all genders differently, to say nothing of the wide variety of at-risk and marginalised groups. The compounding complexities of development and
humanitarian contexts can have disproportionate effects on women and girls, as well as those at-risk and vulnerable groups. CARE International identified the need to highlight the gender and inter-sectional impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
To achieve this, CARE first developed a policy brief to review lessons learned from previous public health emergencies. CARE then adapted its Rapid Gender Analysis toolkit to develop the Global Rapid Gender Analysis on COVID-19, conducted in consultation with the IRC. This report is for humanitarians working in fragile contexts that are likely to be affected by the
COVID-19 crisis. It is organised around broad themes and areas of focus of particular importance to those whose programming advances gender equality and reduces gender inequalities. It seeks to deepen the current gender analysis available by encompassing learning from global gender data available for the COVID-19 public health emergency.




Women4GlobalFund Advocacy Brief

The Global Fund and the response to COVID-19

“Women4GlobalFund (W4GF) stands in solidarity with people around the world as together we face the growing COVID-19 pandemic, and congratulates the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund) for taking early action to support countries with extreme vulnerability. COVID-19 has drawn into sharp focus the uneven vulnerabilities around the world, and specific threats for the safety of women and their sexual and reproductive rights and health. W4GF affirms and agrees with the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) asks of the Global Fund in the response to COVID-19 and also calls on the Global Fund to do more to tackle the uneven impact of the pandemic on women and girls affected by HIV, TB and malaria. COVID-19 magnifies gender inequalities and is already having an intense impact on women, especially those already living below the poverty line.”



Sexual and Reproductive Health

Health Workers & Gender during COVID-19

Domestic Burden & Care Work

Domestic/Gender-Based Violence during COVID-19

Women and COVID-19

The Impact of COVID-19 on Women

UN – Policy Brief

Checklist for COVID-19 response by UN Women Deputy Executive Director Åsa Regnér
COVID-19: Women front and centre

(Facebook) COVID-19 Outbreak: Emerging Issues for Women and Girls and Gender- Sensitive Recommendations by UN Women & UNFPA

UN Women

GFF leaders warn of emerging secondary global health crisis from disruptions in primary health care due to COVID-19

Press Release: Global Financing Facility Investors Group

How Will COVID-19 Affect Women and Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?

Centre for Global Development

Effective coverage measurement in maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition: progress, future prospects, and implications for quality health systems

The Lancet

Coronavirus: Five ways virus upheaval is hitting women in Asia

BBC News

Why Women May Face a Greater Risk of Catching Coronavirus

New York Times

The coronavirus fallout may be worse for women than men. Here’s why

World Economic Forum

Why the Coronavirus Outbreak Could Hit Women Hardest


Ideas for a Pro-Poor and Pro-Women Approach to COVID-19

Oxfam Blog Posts

Column: Ease heavy burden of women affected by COVID-19 pandemic

Star Advertiser

Women Are Bearing the Brunt of Coronavirus Disruption

Bloomberg Businessweek 

As pandemic rages, women and girls face intensified risks


Why women will be hardest hit by a coronavirus-driven recession

Fast Company 

Why COVID-19 Response Efforts Need to Consider That Pandemics Hit Women and Girls the Hardest

Global Citizen 

How COVID-19 Might Change Indian Feminist Narratives For Eternity

Feminism in India

Coronavirus puts women in the frontline

European Institute for Gender Equality

Including Women in COVID-19 Decision-Making

Women leaders are doing a disproportionately great job at handling the pandemic. So why aren’t there more of them?


Operation 50/50: Women’s Perspectives Saves Lives – List of 90+ women experts working in health security

Women in Global Health

 Elevating women in the age of coronavirus


Articulos en Español

COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe: cómo incorporar a las mujeres y la igualdad de género en la gestión de la respuesta a la crisis

Onu Mujeres

COVID-19 & the LGBTQ Community


UNAIDS and MPact are extremely concerned about reports that LGBTI people are being blamed and abused during the COVID-19 outbreak.
UNAIDS and MPact call on governments and partners to protect, support and respect the human rights of LGBTI people during the response to COVID-19.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19): What Trans People Need to Know

National Centre for Transgender Equality

LGBTQ community may be ‘particularly vulnerable’ to coronavirus pandemic. Here’s why

USA Today

LGBTQ People Especially at Risk for COVID-19, Say 100+ Organizations

Advocate Health 


Men and COVID-19: News Articles

Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Men’s Health Forum: Call for Global Evidence on Gender and COVID-19


The Men’s Health Forum (Great Britain) has called for a gender-sensitive approach to COVID-19

Access MHF’s ‘Toolbox Talk‘ here





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