‘Aid Works’ – Irish Aid’s Annual Report and Relevant Materials
“Ireland’s development cooperation programme, which is managed by Irish Aid in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, is a practical expression of the core principles of our foreign policy, and of our values as a people. Ireland’s place in the world is defined by our commitment to justice, equality, human dignity and respect for human rights, and by our solidarity with those whose lives and futures are blighted by extreme poverty and hunger.” – Eamonn Gilmore and Jan O’Sullivan, September 2011
Please find relevant materials below.
Brief summary of Minister of State and Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan T.D. speech at the launch of the Annual Report 16 September 2010:
Excellent, clear speech delivered by Minister of State for Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan T.D.
Minister O’Sullivan focused in her speech on Hunger responses, and targeting of the ‘most Vulnerable’. Also on the importance of ‘Sustainability’ and Trade development links, following launch of the Irish Government Africa Strategy earlier in the same week – online at: http://dfa.ie/uploads/
The Africa Strategy sets out a comprehensive framework for Ireland’s business, political and development relations with Africa over the coming years.
In terms of Results, she spoke of Malawi exporting maize now, moving from being a recipient country before and on the expansion of ARV rollout for people living with HIV and AIDS in collaboration with Irish NGOs and the Clinton Foundation in Mozambique. She spoke on the importance of integrated responses in terms of Nutrition and HIV and on Prevention of Mother-To-Child-Transmission (PMTCT) in particular, and on the special vulnerability of women resulting from systematic inequalities in many countries.
The Minister then spoke on the Horn of Africa response and that 15% of Irish Aid funding contributes to emergency assistance. She moved to long-term development goals of the Irish Aid Programme, providing examples from Ethiopia and Kenya mentioning that all Irish Aid efforts continue to contribute to the 2015 MDGs.
She touched on issues of Aid Effectiveness and the importance of supporting good Governance and highlighted the important role of Development Education, advocacy for Economic Equality and Climate Change interventions.
The Ambassador of Kenya commented on the important role of Irish INGOs in her country, their effective engagement with Government resulting in ‘aid that works’ in Kenya.
Many thanks to Breda Gahan for sharing this with IFGH and our members.
The Irish Aid Programmes is the Irish people’s programme. It is important therefore, that there is strong public awareness of, and engagement with, global development issues, and the contribution that Ireland makes to tackling global poverty and hunger.
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