Abstract Submission Now Open for Irish Global Health Network Conference 2022

June 28, 2022

Irish Global Health Network Conference – Global Imbalance and Social Inclusion  

Co-hosted with the HSE Global Health Programme  

Sponsored by Irish Aid

26th – 27th October 2022 




Abstract Submission Now Closed

Please read the following guidelines carefully before beginning your abstract submission form at the bottom of this page.

The Irish Global Health Network is inviting abstracts from individuals, partnerships, and organisations under the overarching theme of Global Imbalance and Social Inclusion. We particularly encourage submissions from those who have been or are doing work that aims to address social inclusion, community responses to Covid-19, inequality, and marginalisation. Submissions are welcome from global and local perspectives.  

 Submissions may take the form of research findings, evaluations of programmes and projects, policy lessons from the field, or other forms of systematic learning about global health (i.e., they should be more than personal opinion or anecdote). 

The conference, which will take place at Trinity College Dublin, will include: 

  • Plenary sessions with panels of invited international and national speakers 
  • Oral presentations in parallel thematic sessions – abstract driven and invited speakers 
  • Moderated poster presentations and posters 
  • Global Village activities (see end) 
  • Other, added as necessary 


Abstracts are now invited which will be considered for (i) oral presentations, (ii) moderated posters and (iii) posters, unless those submitting wish to exclude one or more of these options for their submissions. Abstracts should conform to the guidelines below. 

This will be a hybrid conference. Submissions can indicate whether they wish to present their abstract in person or online.  

Efforts will be made to address preferences, but may not be guaranteed.  

Further information about the conference, registration and speakers will be posted on www.globalhealth.ie/ighn-conference-2022  



Title: should be concise (maximum 100 characters). 

Theme(s): please select the Conference theme(s) and/or cross-cutting issue(s) that your abstract most closely addresses. 

Keywords: please enter no more than 5 key words that describe your work 

Authors: a maximum of ten authors per abstract are allowed, or alternatively up to three authors and a composite grouping or network name, e.g., INDIGO, ChRAIC, ESTHER. Authors’ names as follows: surname followed by initials (e.g., Murphy, M.). 

Corresponding author: The corresponding author is the person who submits the abstract. The corresponding author is responsible for notifying all co-authors. By submitting the abstract submission form you confirm that you have notified all other authors and have their permission to submit this abstract. Contact details and email address of corresponding author should be included. 

Affiliations: an affiliation (institution/organisation & country) is recommended for each author. If the author does not have a formal affiliation, please note as ‘Independent’.  

Abstract text: must not exceed 2000 characters (approx 250 words, excluding above points). See Option 1, Option 2 and Option 3 below for abstract text content guidelines.  


For each abstract you submit, select one of the three abstract options below. If in doubt regarding the suitability of your ideas under any option, email your ideas/draft to [email protected] and a member of the conference committee will get back to you. 


OPTION 1: This is most suited for scientific/empirical research findings 

Background/Aims: Provide a brief background and specify the aim/objectives of the study  

Methods: Outline methods used, to include study design, study population, type of analysis 

Results: Summarise the key findings 

Discussion/conclusions/implications: Outline the main implication(s) of the study for policy, or practice or advocacy. It is not sufficient to state: “results will be discussed”. 


OPTION 2: This is most suited for presenting lessons from the field; project and programme evaluations; and syntheses or analyses that present new knowledge. 

Abstracts presented under the second option should normally contain concise statements along the following lines: 

Issues: a summary of the issue(s) being addressed 

Description: a description of the intervention, project, experience, service and/or advocacy. 

Lessons learned: conclusions and implications of the intervention or project. Data that support the lessons learned and provide evidence for the conclusions must be included. 

Next steps: recommendations for policy, practice and/or advocacy. 


OPTION 3: Open and unstructured. It is recommended that if possible, submissions adhere to either Option 1 or Option 2. However, if you have an idea for a submission or event that does not align to either format (for example, a short film or you want to convene a debate), you can submit an unstructured abstract.  

Abstracts in this category should clearly outline the objective and format of the submission. They should also highlight why this particular format is required, and how it will contribute to the overall conference.  


Cross-cutting issues to be addressed  

The overarching theme of the conference is Global Imbalance and Social Inclusion. All submissions should address this theme. There are no specific themes that abstracts must include. However, submissions are encouraged to address one or more of the following cross-cutting issues (descriptions are indicative only, and are not intended to capture all topics related to the issues mentioned).  


Cross-cutting issues 

  • Health Systems Resilience
  • Challenging Stigma, Changing Thinking 
  • Gender & Intersectionality
  • Power Inequality in Global Health
  • Local and Global
  • Health Care Leadership and Representation
  • Human Resources for Health (and Well-being)
  • Community Response
  • Social Inclusion and Marginalisation
  • Youth and Adolescent Involvement in the Global Health Agenda
  • Global Mental Health
  • Implications of Ukrainian Conflict for Health and Health Services in Ireland
  • Climate Justice

Click here for descriptions of these cross-cutting issues

All selected abstracts will be published in an abstract booklet, and titles and presenting authors names and photos (if submitted) will appear on conference webpage and in the final programme.


NOTE: Abstracts selected for oral presentations and moderated posters should fit within the 2022 Conference theme: Global Imbalance and Social Inclusion. 

We are also inviting those working in the area of Global Health to submit abstracts of work they are doing within the broader themes and priorities of Global Health (not necessarily restricted to the theme of the Global Imbalance and Social Inclusion). 

Ideas and innovative suggestions for Global Health Organisations and Networks to present their interests, activities and work in the Global Health Village are particularly welcome. If you are interested to learn more, explore, and discuss your ideas, contact: [email protected] 

Corresponding authors (i) may be invited to present such work in the form of posters, or (ii) a conference organiser may contact the submitter with suggestions on how their work could be displayed at the conference. 


Acceptance notification will be sent to successful applicants by 23rd September. If you are planning to attend from outside of Ireland, please indicate on your submission form in the space required so that we can expedite your response to ensure sufficient planning and travel time.  

Successful applicants will be required to register for the conference and confirm by email that they will be presenting. There will be a deadline for this so please monitor your email inbox for your acceptance notification.






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