IFGH International Conference 2014 Abstracts, Presentations and Recordings.

November 18, 2014

IFGH Conference2014 Flyer_FRONTOn the 5th and 6th of November the IFGH held the 2014 IFGH International Conference in partnership with Concern around the theme of ‘Partnerships for Health’. The conference was well attended and provoked some interesting thoughts regarding the value of partnerships as well as how to recognise a partnership that is not performing effectively. For those who were unable to attend and for anyone who has an interest in this area the Abstracts Book, which compiles all the abstracts presented at the conference, can be found through this link. As well as the Abstracts Book, many of the sessions at the conference were recorded. Below are the links to the recordings for each session at the conference. The recordings are of the audio and the presentation in tandem as well as any Q and A. The accompanying presentations can also be found here without the audio.

If you have any queries or wish to get in contact with any of the authors please email [email protected]

Speakers/PanellistsTitlePresentationsLinks to Recordings 
Opening Address
Liz Higgins (Irish Aid)  – Recordings 
Keynote Address 1
Sisonke Msimang (Writer & Activist)‘Health, Violence & Poverty: Lessons from the Oscar Pistorius Trial’Presentation Slides Recording 
Vanina Laurent-Ledru (MSD)‘Shared Value & a Sustainable Future: Creating Public-Private Partnerships That Work’Presentation Slides
Spectrum of Partnerships                                         Chair: Aidan Leavy & Nadine Ferris France
Carlos BruenGlobal health partnerships: Does accountability to communities fall between the cracks? Presentation Slides  
Rosarii GriffinCapacity building and partnership in the developing world: Reflections on partnership between Lesotho, Uganda, Malawi, and Ireland Presentation Slides  
Diarmuid McCleanDonor partnerships: Early experiences and challenges as a focal donor  –  
Fiona LarkanDeveloping a framework for good research partnership in global health Presentation Slides  
Karen HandThe role of brands & branding in NGO’s Presentation Slides  
Siobhan PattenWhere community development meets organisational development Presentation Slides  
Marjolein MwanamwengeIntersectoral collaboration to reduce malnutrition in Mumbwa district, Zambia Presentation Slides  
Neil LandrevilleA twinning partnership between Debre Birhan and Elmhurst hospital: A model for sustainable capacity building Presentation Slides  
Parallel Sessions 1
Partnership Panorama                                               Chair: David Weakliam
Tony RyanPractical demonstration Presentation Slides  
David WeakliamIntroduction and scene setting Presentation Slides 
Méabh Ni BhuinneannMayo General Hospital – Londiani District Hospital Partnership Presentation Slides 
Vicki DoyleCDI: Lessons from Partnership Evaluations Presentation Slides 
Trish ScanlanMuhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania – Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin Partnership Presentation Slides 
Public-Private Partnerships                                       Chair: Malcolm MacLachlan
Jean-Pierre PaccaudDrugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative  –  
Carmel HalpinAccenture Presentation Slides 
Jens Van RoeyJanssen Global Public Health Group Presentation Slides 
Tom O’ CallaghaniHeed  – 
Magnus ContehWorld Vision Ireland Presentation Slides 
Linda O’ SullivanBusiness in the Community Ireland Presentation Slides 
Ethical Partnerships – A Student Focused Discussion & Workshop   Chair: Brynne Gilmore
Sean O’ConnellUCD Volunteers Overseas  –  
Shira GoldsteinMasters in Global Health, Trinity College, Dublin  – 
Patrick O’DonnellSocial Inclusion, University of Limerick  – 
Jeanne SpillaneMasters of Development Programme, University College Dublin/Trinity College Dublin Presentation Slides 
Rebecca Conlon Trant & Sarah KyneMedical Overseas Voluntary Electives, TCD  – 
Snapshot Oral Presentations                                     Chair: Fiona Larkan & Enida Friel
Adele FoxLessons learned from partnering with the ministry of health to test an integrated care group model in rural Burundi Presentation Slides  
Sinead O’ReillyNutrition innovation in GOAL Zimbabwe through partnership with government actors Presentation Slides 
Avril HutchSeven years of the RSCI/COSECSA partnership: lessons learned Presentation Slides 
Philomena OmoregieIncreasing uptake of HIV prevention of mother-to-child-transmission through partnership with community gate keepers in Ede, Nigeria Presentation Slides 
Breda GahanPartnering for effective HIV and AIDS education through community drama in rural Sierra Leone Presentation Slides 
Marion RowlandImproving neonatal intensive care with partners in Ethiopia Presentation Slides 
Douglas BurkeKing’s Sierra Leone Partnership – An innovative model for medical electives Presentation Slides 
Markus KökerPartnerships for change: A cost benefit analysis of Self Help Groups in Ethiopia, with reference to related surveys Presentation Slides 
Jessica GreneFaecal sludge management in Freetown, Sierra Leone – piloting partnership models and projects Presentation Slides 
Professor Father Michael Kelly (Zambia)‘The Negative Role of Stigma, Prejudice and Certain Legal Measures in the Response to HIV and AIDS.’   
Noerine Kaleeba (TASO Uganda) Presentation Slides  
Nadine Ferris France (Irish Forum for Global Health) Presentation Slides  
Keynote Address 2
Jacky Jones (Irish Times Health Columnist, Member of Healthy Council of Ireland)‘The role of trust, power and leadership in partnerships for health’  –  
Emanuele Sapienza (United Nations Development Programme)  Presentation Slides  
The Role of Partnerships in Tackling the Ebola Crisis       Chair: Rosalyn Tamming
David Weakliam (HSE)Diamuid O Donovan (HSE & NUI Galway)Margaret Fitzgerald (HSE)

Anne O’ Mahoney (Concern Worldwide)

 Presentation SlidesPresentation SlidesPresentation Slides

Parallel Oral Abstract Presentations 1
Information Communication and Technology for Health      Chair: Noel Murphy & Leonie Corcoran
Nathalis WambaPrerequisites for critical capacity development/enhancement in low resource-settings: an eHealth and eLearning case studyPresentation Slides  
Tiwonge KawongaeHealth in low resource settings: the need for greater information communication technology for capacity building Presentation Slides 
Frédérique VallièresPartnership and other practical considerations for the implementation of mobile health in LMICs Presentation Slides 
Joe GallagherThe role of primary healthcare and eHealth in Malawi Africa Presentation Slides 
Chris WatsonBiomarkers and Health for Community Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes in Low-Resourced Countries Presentation Slides 
Health System Strengthening                                   Chair: Eilish McAuliffe & Ruairi Brugha
Philomena OmoregieCreating partnerships with community keepers toward promoting male involvement in antenatal care programme in Ede, Nigeria Presentation Slides  
Ogenna UdumaResearch partnership for health system strengthening: a case study of STEM (Support, Train and Empower Managers) Presentation Slides 
Katie WallerMaker for MNCH; “a model for partnerships to locally fill the MNCH equipment gaps in Kenya” Presentation Slides 
Hannah McCauley‘Creating skilled clinicians: Saving babies lives Presentation Slides 
Margaret BeeCreating sustainable partnership by building capacity of community structures in urban slums of Sierra Leone Presentation Slides 
Emerging Voices-Early Career Perspectives               Chair: Steve Macdonald & Nuha Ibrahim
Alison RodgersNorthern Irish student midwives experiences of Malawi Presentation Slides  
Camille BoostromPartnerships for doctoral research: lessons learned from Ethiopia  – 
Brynne GilmoreThe Student Outreach Group: A model of Irish Universities’ partnerships for global health Presentation Slides 
Jamie SarisMoving the Young Scientist to Tanzania: Partnerships, Pitfalls and the Definition of Outcomes Presentation Slides 
Lisa DonaldsonPartners in elearning: lessons learned in Ireland and Malawi from the development of an MSc Community Systems Health Research Presentation Slides 
Parallel Oral Abstract Presentations 2
Maternal Neonatal and Child Health                          Chair: Ogenna Uduma & Diarmuid O’Donovan
Marie Hallissey‘Getting Through the Door’: Partnering with Domestic Worker Recruiters to Access a Hidden Population Presentation Slides  
Aisling WalshPartnership stresses: a reality check Presentation Slides 
Adele FoxStriving to make a partnership work: managing a donor driven partnership in South Sudan Presentation Slides 
Jessica GreneSanitation marketing in Kenema, Sierra Leone: Challenges to scale-up and opportunities for success. Presentation Slides 
Katie WallerHuman-centred design as a method for creating partnerships with marginalized groups: Engaging traditional birth attendants in Sierra Leone Presentation Slides 
Mary McCauleyReflections of Medical Volunteers Partnering with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) Presentation Slides 
Partnership Medley                                                   Chair: Anne Matthews & Connell Foley
Matthew ShipseySchool in a Box: An information, communication and technology prescription for maternal health Illiteracy in Mozambique: A work in progress Presentation Slides  
Bianca Van BavelAcademic partnerships in biomedical research for global health: could a project lost be a partner gained?  –  
Kathleen BennettCapacity building in qualitative social sciences for the management of chronic diseases in the Mediterranean region Presentation Slides 
BethAnn RochSetting up a medical anthropology network in Ireland Presentation Slides 
Aoife KirkHSE Global Health and ESTHER Alliance Survey 2014 Presentation Slides 
Dr. Su Ming KhooCivil society-government partnerships for health protection-banning Asbestos in Thailand Presentation Slides 
HIV, Disabilities and Inclusive Health                       Chair: Mary Van Lieshout & Fiona Larkan
Jessica O’DowdA core set of clinical skills for community based rehabilitation in low and middle income countries Presentation Slides  
Breda GahanGoing beyond pills: tracking ART lost to follow up in Odisha State, India Presentation Slides 
Zehara SaidPartnership for HIV prevention and impact reduction in Addis Ababa and Kalu Wordeas, Ethiopia Presentation Slides 
 Deirdre Ní CheallaighWe are the change: dealing with HIV related self-stigma in Zimbabwe Presentation Slides 
 Julia BrownThe role of global health partnerships in the discontinuation of female genital mutilation/cutting in Sudan Presentation Slides 
Meghan HusseyBuilding a caring community: partnership advancing health and inclusion of persons with disabilities in Tanzania Presentation Slides 
Parallel Panel Sessions 2
Partnerships in Emergency Situations                      Chair: Rosalyn Tamming
Mike Clarke (Evidence Aid)Anne Street (CAFOD)Richard Allen (The Mentor Initiative) Presentation SlidesPresentation SlidesPresentation Slides  
Ethical Partnerships: A Follow-up Discussion            Chair: Brynne Gilmore
Group Participation.This session will disseminate the working guidelines developed in the previous student session and allow for further input and feedback to these guidelines and the role of students in voluntary overseas projects.  –  
Introduction from Sabrina Kevany   –  
Address by Eilish McAuliffe (University College Dublin)‘Rethinking Research Partnerships: Purpose, Process & Product’ Presentation Slides 
Closing session
David Weakliam & Rosalyn TammingReflections on Partnership  –  



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