Tag: Recruitment

IFGH 2012: An Exploration of the Hospital and Ward Factors Associated with High Levels of Overseas-Trained Nurses in General Hospitals in Ireland: Using Irish RN4CAST Study Results

by globalhealth on Jan 31, 2012 in Conference Abstracts
To explore hospital factors that account for the variation in rates of non-EU qualified nurses in general hospitals in Ireland. Working hypotheses were that: large, teaching, urban hospitals would have higher levels of non-EU qualified nurses, given their higher turnover rates; hospitals with more negative work...

IFGH 2012: WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel- Implications for Ireland

by globalhealth on Jan 31, 2012 in Conference Abstracts
Ireland, because of its disproportionate reliance on passively and actively recruited non-EU trained nurses and doctors, has ethical responsibilities both to its foreign health workers and their countries. In the long-run, it will be Ireland's success or not in developing and retaining its domestic health workforce that...

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