News Articles

Global Fund High-Level Review Panel on Fiduciary Controls Released

by globalhealth on Sep 26, 2011 in News
Appointed by the Board of the Global Fund, the High-Level Independent Review Panel on Fiduciary Controls and Oversight Mechanism were charged with evaluating the Global Fund's current practices in financial oversight and implementation. Published yesterday, the findings in the final report are drawn from an extensive...

NEW website: CDC and Noncommunicable Diseases Around the World

by globalhealth on Sep 16, 2011 in News
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease and stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung disease kill more people globally than infectious diseases. Worldwide, NCDs kill over 35 million people each year, representing nearly two-thirds of the world’s deaths. Learn more about what CDC and others are...

World Humanitarian Day 2011

by globalhealth on Aug 18, 2011 in News
World Humanitarian Day - 19th August, 2011 is a celebration of people helping people. Every day humanitarian aid workers help millions of people around the world. The day recognizes the sacrifices and contributions of those who risk their lives to give others help and hope. It is also about inspiring the spirit of...

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