Universal Access to Healthcare in Ireland: A Critical Juncture
This year’s Global Health Exchange conference, co-organised by the Irish Forum for Global Health, GOAL and RCSI, took place in RSCI, St. Stephen’s Green, on November 6-7, 2018.
Over 100 people attended this exciting event that covered a range of topics around health, development, humanitarian work, and the challenges facing those working to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030. The conference themes centred around the core principle, ‘leave no one behind’.
Themes included: non-communicable diseases (NCDs), nutrition, women in global health, overcoming barriers and stigma, empowerment and mental health, health systems strengthening in emergencies, solutions and innovations, climate change and the environment, interdisciplinary working, inclusion and community care, and integration and inter-sectoral working.
Scroll down for the recorded sessions that correspond to the event programme.
Day One
Plenary: Equality, Inclusion & Leaving No-One Behind

Universal Health Coverage in Malawi: Progress and Challenges so far.

Update on Process for Developing Ireland’s News International Development Policy
Parallel Sessions 1
Panel: NCDs & Nutrition, Nightingale Theatre

Perception and Experiences of Households Regarding Nutrition in Children Aged 6 to 24 Months in Busia District, Uganda.

Non-Communicable Diseases in Africa: The Irish Response.

The Global Diabetes Pandemic and West Africa.

Nutrition Impact and Positive Practices (NIPP), a Sustainable Behaviour-Change Approach Supporting Maternal and Child Health.
Panel: Overcoming Barriers and Stigma

Investigating Prevention of Depression in Young People Using eHealth Strategies: A Narrative Review.

TB: A toolkit of interventions against Self-Stigma.

HIV is being ‘Left Behind’ – Especially that Affecting Poorest PLHIV and Affected Populations.
Soapbox Snapshots: Leaving No-One Behind

Rapid Response Medical teams in Conflict Zone to Ensure Continuum of Maternal and Child Health Care for IDPs Always on the Move

Systems Thinking for Health Systems Strengthening

Menstrual Hygiene Management in Ugana’s refugee settlements: A Needs Assessment and Implementation Design

Protection and Child Protection in Humanitarian Contexts

Barriers to Implementation of Sustainable Transport Policies in Ireland to tackle Climate Change

‘Engaging the Players’ – The Application of Social Art Practice with Ireland’s Over-Consuming Workforce
Parallel Sessions 2
Panel: Influencing Empowerment and Mental Health

Managing a Mental Health Service in Europe’s Refugee Crisis: The Challenge of Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Refugees at the Gateway to Europe

Exploring the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Healthcare Policies in Malawi

Looking after the Mental Health of Health Workers: Avoiding Burnout and Maintaining Motivation

Exploring the Use of Talking Mats to Empower People with Dementia to Become More Active Participants in Decision Making
Panel: HSS In Emergencies

The EBODAC Project Developing Strategies & Tools to Promote the Acceptance & Uptake of Ebola Vaccines

Financing Systems and Innovative Structures

Improving access and coverage of PHC services through HSS in Urban Bangladesh and West Darfur

Emergency Scale-Up in Response to the El Ninõ Effect in Ethipoia and Subsequent Development Actions
Soapbox Snapshots: Solutions, Innovations and Issues for Global Health

Evaluation of a Blended Online Learning Approach to Strengthen Gender Analysis Capacity within Health Systems Research: A Mixed-Methods Study

Environmental Health as a Priority Cross-Cutting Issue to Achieve SDG 3, 6 and 13

Financing Universal Healthcare in Malawi – International Lessons

Innovative Solutions Towards Tackling Stockouts, Absenteeism, Poor Medical Records and Centralism

How to Measure Performance Among Community Midwives in Sudan: An Implementation Research Study
Day 2 - Global Health Exchange, 2018
Global Health Challenge Team Competition

Plenary: Effective Partnerships & Strategies to Bridge The Humanitarian-Development Nexus

Joint Humanitarian/Development Programming: Trócaire’s Approach and Learning

Parallel Sessions 3
Panel: Partnerships & Interdisciplinary Actions for Global Health

North-South Health Service Partnerships: A Pathway to Universal Health Coverage and Ensuring ‘No One Will be Left Behind’

Building a ‘College Without Walls’: A Partnership to Train Surgeons in Sub-Saharan Africa

Bottom up Accountability: Experimental Evidence from Uganda’s Health System

Stronger Health Systems, Stronger Nations: Sudan-Ireland Portfolio
Panel: Climate Change and Environment

Irish Perspectives on the Challenges and Opportunities that Lie Ahead

Integrating Positive Climate Change Adaption and Sexual Reproductive Health/Family Planning Behaviours Amongst Youth in Malawi: Insights from the PaMawa Project

Household Air Pollution: Strategies for Scale Up of Cleaner Fuels