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International Health and Development Training for Healthcare Workers
***There are no more tickets available for this event. Please join the forum to receive updates on this and similar events in the future***
Are you interested in working in healthcare in less-developed countries?
The Health Service Executive Global Health Programme, NUI Galway, Comhlámh, the Irish Forum for Global Health, ESTHER Ireland, Medécins Sans Frontières Ireland, VSO and Irish Aid are organising the second International Health and Development Training for Healthcare Workers in Achill Island this October. The participation fee of €100 covers accommodation, meals and training materials. Places are limited and demand has been high, so be sure to reserve your place early to ensure your attendance.
Who should attend?
The training workshop is designed for anyone working in any part of the Irish health service who is interested in working and volunteering in healthcare in less-developed countries, along with those who have a general interest in the field of global health.
Why should you attend?
If you are interested in volunteering or working in healthcare in less developed countries, this training workshop will be a useful introduction. The workshop will introduce key issues in global health and the nature of healthcare in resource poor settings, and it will provide you with an opportunity to explore the skills and competencies you could bring to the sector. This course will be led by experiences trainers and facilitators from a range of organisations and backgrounds.
When, where and how long is the workshop?
This two and a half day residential training course workshop will be held in Achill Outdoor Education Centre on Achill Island from Friday 12th – Sunday 14th 2018.
During this workshop, learners will:
- Gain an understanding of key issues in global health
- Compare aspects of health/health outcomes/health system in different parts of the world
- Explore cross cultural issues in health and healthcare
- Explore key skills and competencies that are valuable for working in this field
- Receive practical information to support them getting involved in health and development
More information on working / volunteering in health care settings overseas can be found at:
https://www.comhlamh.org/passion4solidarity #Passion4Solidarity